Bump Watch: 28 Weeks

So. धेरै। गर्भवती

That’s exactly how I feel all the time long now, all the time. So uncomfortable as well as pregnant.


Baby woman is 28 weeks along now! Yup, my li’l sidekick as well as I have been together for seven months, which to me is type of unreal because, 1), where did all that time go? — and, 2), this is practically the house stretch (she’s due in early March)!

So, at the doctor’s office this week for my checkup, my doc did this old-school technique with a paper measuring tape to determine exactly how numerous weeks along I am, however it was much more for fun than seriousness since she’d already taken measurements with the sonogram.

With the paper measuring tape, though, she put one end at the bottom of le bump, best at my pelvis, then took the tape up over my tummy button (which is less of a tummy button these days as well as much more of a smooth tummy spot, however I’ll get to that in a sec) as well as over my tum to the top of le bump, just below my breasts. Amazingly enough, the tape determined 28 inches, corresponding to 28 weeks along, so in some cases those old-school methods still work!


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

Cool, huh?

So…fascinating thing about tummy buttons as well as pregnancy, as well as I don’t understand why this never occurred to me before, however when your tum expands to otherworldly proportions, it can push your tummy button from an “innie” to an “outie.”

Yeah, hello, Captain Obvious! however I had no idea. as well as it seems to have happened, seriously, overnight. WHOA!

Mine’s still borderline innie…but that innie isn’t going to be an innie much longer.

Aaand, you wanna understand something gross? Of program you do. Over the program of all of this tummy button outing, I’ve discovered stuff in there…like lint as well as a small sphere of what may have been feline hair. निश्चय छैन।

मलाई थाहा छ! So gross, however on the positive side, this is now the cleanest my tummy button has ever been.

Another thing…I’m having a truly difficult time focusing these days, as well as I get overwhelmed easily. I haven’t been publishing as much for the past week or so, however not since I haven’t been trying. whatever has just been slower going than usual.

I sit at my desk or in front of the video camera for a video, as well as the words just don’t come as quickly as they utilized to (or, um…at all). It’s either some type of pregnancy brain fog, and/or distractions because, yeah, stuff on my mind.

So whatever takes longer than usual, however I’m still here. Still chuggin’ along.

Oh, as well as the crying? Seriously, I don’t even know, however I cry at least when a day, which I assumption is just pregnancy hormones. It feels like PMS turnt up a gazillion notches.

Um…this is most likely a great area to state something about the attire I’m wearing.

You may keep in mind the white Caslon t-shirt from my 18-week bump view post. Well, the leggings are H&M maternity, as well as the boots are the Susanna Boots by Bare Traps. The over-the-knee socks I’m wearing, though, are such a pain in the @ss. I got them since they were on sale at Nordies and, you know, ’90s nostalgia.

Back in the day I used similar thigh-high socks with a bit a-line skirt (if you’ve ever seen Clueless, they’re like what Cher as well as her team wore), however I easily failed to remember exactly how really, truly frustrating the socks are/were since I have to keep pulling them up every five minutes.

Oh, as well as the sweatshirt is one from Nordstrom last year. (Or was it the year before? I can’t keep in mind anything best now…)


Anywho, just wished to state hi. I hope you’re having a excellent week so far.

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय आकर्षण अडिग,


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