7 things I’ve Been Loving Lately (Makeup as well as Non-Makeup Related)

considering that it’s Thursday as well as all (edit: it’s just random; there’s no rational reason), I’m wondering what’s been making you want to hold your pearls with delight.

Here are seven things that have been providing me major smiles lately.


1. indeed to Coconut Ultra Light Spray Body lotion for extremely dry Skin ($9.99)

Otherwise understood as “Lotion for the Laziest of Alligator People.” My skin is so dry that it makes alligator skin look moisturized! however this stuff absolutely takes care of it (everywhere except on my Fred Flinstone feet, where I requirement something thicker). It leaves my skin feeling soft, however not greasy, as well as smelling faintly of coconut.

How moisturizing is it?

Pictures yourself standing in a tropical lagoon under a Hawaiian waterfall…and in this waterfall scenario, you look hot, of course.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

Wait — to be honest, that’s difficult to do since the water is truly pouring down, so hold on to your bikini bottoms! (File this under “Life lessons discovered the difficult Way.”)

Anyway, tangent.

I keep this stuff in my shower as well as spray it on my skin after toweling off (while I’m still in the shower). It’s simple to work in, as well as the bottle easily works when you hold it upside-down, which is incredibly cool. I suggest spraying it into your palm first, as well as then massaging it into your arms as well as legs. That method you don’t inadvertently spray the lotion around your floors as well as walls.

2. indeed to Grapefruit Basil liquid Hand Soap ($3.99)

And considering that we’re on the subject of stating indeed to things, I likewise like the brand’s indeed To’s Grapefruit Basil liquid Hand Soap ($3.99). It makes quick work of any type of dirt/gunk/oils/tabby hairs on my paws as well as works fast. It’s likewise non-drying (yay!) as well as lightly scented with grapefruit, which is one of my preferred things to eat.

Incidentally, often I feel like I’m alone in this, since everybody around me detests the taste of grapefruit… Are you into it? Grapefruit 4-EVA is all I have to say.

3. The bkr 1-L bottle in Sugar ($42)

This bkr water bottle! I’ve only been utilizing it for a week, however I’m freaking prepared to put a sound on it. I bring this thing everywhere!

Granted, it’s a great deal heavier than a back-to-basics, common plastic water bottle, however I don’t mind. I kinda like the solid glass heft. (The thick rubber sleeve must ideally keep it from cracking if it’s ever dropped from a affordable height… I’ll you understand about that when/if it ever happens.)

The manage on the cap likewise feels juuuuuust right. I don’t understand if the designers conducted any type of ergonomic studies or anything, however this bottle feels excellent in my hand.

I likewise like mouth since it’s not as well huge/wide, as well as with every other water bottle I’ve owned, I end up spilling water around my tee shirt all the time.

Doesn’t occur with this. I keep trying to discover an reason to get one of the smaller ones, as well (I like the ones with the heart design) however yeah…one is sufficient for now.

I hope they make the liter-sized ones with a heart on it soon. phone call me crazy (go on!), however I vow my water tastes much better when I drink it from this bottle.

Yes, I understand that’s impossible.

4. These Flamingo Vans ($55)

I’ve come to accept that I have absolutely no time for boring-@ss shoes. If my toes need to be confined, I want them confined in the most fascinating method possible, as well as this pair of mint eco-friendly as well as flamingo Vans? holy FREAKING CRAP. मलाई उनीहरु मन पर्छ।

5. golden women Lego

Let’s state that again: “Golden women Lego.”

म सही जान्दछु!? YAAAAAAS! Lego runs a program called Lego concepts where fans submit concepts for future products, as well as somebody (WHO IS clearly A GENIUS!!!) submitted a set influenced by Rose, Blanche, Dorothy as well as Sophia.

They even recreated the sets as well as scenes from the show! now that’s some hardcore golden women love.

I truly hope this really pertains to fruition as well as goes on sale since I would be the very first person in line to get hold of it.

Which golden woman are you, by the way? I’m mainly Sophia, with a bit of increased sprinkled in.

6. Byredo Parfums Gypsy Water Eau de Parfum ($145 for a 1.7-oz. spray bottle)

Byredo Parfums Gypsy Water Eau de Parfum ($145 for a 1.7-oz. spray bottle), offered now at Neiman Marcus
I’ve been reaching for Gypsy Water nearly every other day considering that I started using it last October.

There need to be countless wonderful fruity floral fragrances on the market, as well as often I just want something absolutely different. Gypsy Water is totally different. I haven’t caught any type of whiffs of it on other people, like exactly how I’lL अक्सर एक महिला अत्तर को एक whife समात्नुहोस् किनकि उनी हिंड्छिन्, “ओह,” ओह, यो एक स्वर्गदूत, “वा” होमगारिटले आज डलर र गाब्ब्याग प्रकाशको प्रयोग गरेर। ” म कहिले महिलाको साथ हिंडेको जस्तो गरीरहेको छ

आधिकारिक रूपमा, यो बर्गामोट, निम्बू, मिलिप, जुनिपर जालहरू, जुनिपर जादूगरीहरू; धूपको रूपमा खुल्छ, सुईको साथै ओरिसहरू। त्यसोभए एबर, भेरिलाल र चन्दन मा सञ्चालन गर्नुहोस्। अप्रमाणित, म विश्वास गर्दछु यो साहसिक, व्यक्तित्व, हिम्मत र घाममा गन्ध आउँछ!

Blook। तल्लो पानी रेखामा प्रकाश र colors हरू

के तपाईं कहिल्यै आफ्नो तल्लो लेश लाइनहरु मा बेज लाइनर लगाउनुहुन्छ? यो आँखा बनाउन एक पुरानो प्रविधि हो जुन तपाईको आँखाको गोराहरु को लागी धेरै अधिक क्षेत्र छ कि मा काम गर्न ठूलो प्रविधि हो।

म विश्वास गर्दिन कि मैले त्यो अत्यन्तै राम्रो बताएको छु जुन जे भए पनि, यसले तपाईंको आँखालाई ठूलो र धेरै ब्यूँझाउँछ।

म बुझ्छु यो एक बिट पागल-प्यान्ट देखिन्छ, यद्यपि यसले वास्तवमै काम गर्दछ! म यसलाई प्रकाशको रंगको लाइनरहरु संग पछि एक महान सम्झौता गर्दैछु। यस हप्ता मेरो मनपर्ने? – मकको मिट प्लट फिक्सिज प्रविधि ($ 1)) मा, म्याकको म्याकट सेतो आँखा कोहली चाखलाग्दो र जो स्टिलको प्रकाश बेरिज (जो दुखद छ)।


अब यो तपाईंको पालो हो। म उत्सुक छु, केहि चीजहरू छन् जुन तपाई पछि माया गर्नुहुन्छ?

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय अपील दुर्व्यसन,


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