How to get the most Out of the MAC Dazzleshadows From the MAC Le Disko Collection

Are you ready to boogie? किनकी म! — in MAC Dazzleshadows from the new MAC Le Disko collectionWANTED — One illuminating disco floor (complete with square floor tiles that change color to the beat of the music) and silver disco ball for impromptu office party. I’ll offer music and cat (because what’s a disco party without a chubby tabby? — a HELLA boring disco party, that’s what). You bring your slickest bell-bottoms and signature moves.

En lieu of cover charge, arrive wearing one of the new Dazzleshadow eyeshadows from the new MAC Le Disko collection, and enter the front door doing The Hustle.


He’s a brick…house!

For the shadow-loving roller girls out there, the MAC Le Disko collection is available now and bristling with Dazzleglasses, a couple of Superslicks (the gold and silver shades, both re-promotes) and a flat shader brush (also a re-promote), but I feel like many of the items are sideshows for the Dazzleshadow main event — a line of very sparkly metallic glittery eyeshadows that could very well make you go “Ooh!” when you open them.

11 of the 12 Dazzleshadows from the MAC Le Disko collection, $21 eachI don’t remember ever seeing these before, so I think they’re a new MAC shadow formulation, in this case limited edition, $21 each, and available in 12 shades…

She sparkles — a light gray with silver sparkles

Last dance — a peachy beige with pink sparkles

Let’s Roll — a reddish bronze with sparkles

Try Me On — a deep blueish green with sparkles

Say It Isn’t So — a dark gray with pink sparkles

Can’t stop Don’t stop — a deep plummy purple with sparkles

Let’s Boogie — a black with sparkles

Boom grow room — a light burgundy with emerald sparkles

I like 2 view — a mid-toned brown with golden sparkles

Slow/Fast/Flow — a bronze with red sparkles

Get Physical — a purple with light blue sparkles

Feel the Fever — a deep blueish purple with pink sparkles

On my lids: try Me On, with Last dance in the inner corners and feel the Fever along the lower lash lineYou can have tons of fun with these shadows — very shimmery glitter-fests and high-shine foiled effects — but in purchase to go buck wild, I think it helps to know how to work ’em; otherwise, frustration could ensue.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

On that note, when working with these, here are some things to keep in mind…

1. use a creamy base

Whatever you do, don’t even think about applying these on dry skin like a conventional eyeshadow. कृपया! You’ll get glitter all over the place (read: fallout city) and won’t get the best pigment payoff.

I get my best results when I layer these Dazzleshadows on top of a creamy, wet base, because they love to latch onto something. My favorite for these is MAC 24-Hour extend Eye Base (which I like much more than NARS Pro-Prime in this case because the MAC base stays “wet” longer), or in some cases a MAC Fluidline like Blacktrack, and you’ll get a different effect with each of these.

When I layer the Dazzleshadows on top of MAC 24-Hour, I get bold glitter and a moderate amount of pigment that remains very true to the color you see in the pan.

I like this combination for stuff like going out to dinner or the movies, because it’s good glitter — noticeable, but not full-on Las vegas bachelorette party glitter.

Last week I wore Last dance (the peachy beige with pink sparkles) one night when we went out to dinner. I applied it on my lids and buffed out the edges to feather out the glitter, then swept MAC Soft brown into the crease, and got some good compliments (one of them was even from a makeup artist, *blushes*).

And layering the Dazzleshadows on top of a Fluidline like Blacktrack is pretty fun, too. shadows applied on top of Blacktrack appear richer and deeper, and they take on a metallic finish. some of the shadows will end up looking completely different than they do in the pan, which I think is also pretty rad. If you’re going for all-out drama, use Blacktrack.

Swatches in the top row: the Dazzleshadows atop MAC Prep + Prime 24-Hour extend Eye Base; on the bottom row: the Dazzleshadows atop MAC Fluidline. From the left: grow Boom Room, get Physical, slow fast Slow, Let’s Roll and feel the Fever
2. reach for a flat, compact eye brush

A flat concealer brush works really well with these. Basically, you want to apply them using something flat and very stiff because it’ll make it simpler to place the shadows exactly where you want them.

You could use a finger…but I really do think it’s simpler to be accurate with these using a brush, and you can leave the brush dry, or wet it first with water or something like MAC Fix+ to intensify the shadows and make them shine even more.

Swatches in the top row: the Dazzleshadows atop MAC Prep + Prime 24-Hour extend Eye Base; on the bottom row: the Dazzleshadows atop MAC Fluidline. From the left, that’sउनी स्पार्कहरू, अन्तिम नृत्य, मलाई हेर्नुहोस्, भन्नुहोस् कि यो त्यस्तो छैन, रोक्न सक्दैन र बूगीलाई रोक्नको लागि रोक्नुहोस्
The। पेस्टली-dally नगर्नुहोस्

मैले फेला पारे कि एक पटक आधार सुख्खाहरू, दाजुददर्डहरू मेरो छालामा शान्त भए, त्यसैले द्रुत रूपमा तपाईं तिनीहरूलाई त्यो भिजेको सतहमा प्राप्त गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ।

यहाँ मक लिंग डिस्को संग्रहबाट 12 डाजहरूमध्ये 11 जनाले एक सानो आन्दोलनको आशा गरे जुन तपाईं यी लगाएका कम्पनीको बारेमा जानुहुन्छ किनकि उनीहरूले दिनभरि परिवर्तन र शिमी देखिन्छन्। म निश्चित छैन, तर मसँग यो एक उद्देश्यपूर्ण छ, किनकि यसले तिनीहरूलाई ग्रन्ने ग्लैज देखी मद्दत गर्दछ।

अवश्य पनि, तपाइँ तपाइँको आँखा श्रृंगार कस्तो पालिस गर्नुभयो भन्नेमा निर्भर गर्दछ, यो एक मेक-ब्रेक चीज हुन सक्छ। म कहिले ग्रन्ने-ग्ल्यामिड, गडबडी मेकअप लगाउन सक्छु, त्यसैले मलाई लाग्छ यो राम्रो छ।

डाकल्सहरू (मापदण्ड) उपलब्ध छन् (मानियस) र अनलाइन, तर तपाइँ उनीहरूको मनपर्ने म्याक स्टोर वा काउन्टर गर्न अगाडि कल गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ यदि तपाइँ मक काउन्टरमा उपलब्ध हुनुहुन्न भने मैले गत शनिबार जाँच गरें (Nortie Calteea निर्मित, क्यालिफोर्निया)।


त्यसो भएपछि पुष्टि भयो, तपाईंको मनपर्ने मेकअप सक्षमकर्ताको साथ मिति तिनीहरूलाई व्यक्तिगत रूपमा हेर्नका लागि, ‘कारण यो एक मात्र तरीका हो, ओब्वायरहरू। पछि, तपाईं दुबै फ्राइज लिन सक्नुहुन्छ, बिरालो र मेकअप को बारे मा कुरा, र एक perromeptu नृत्य पार्टी छ … हुनसक्छ तपाईंको कारको गोपनीयता मा।

तपाईंको मैत्री छिमेकी आकर्षण लॉकेट,


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