Blackie’s Pasture in Tiburon, California

adventure is that way, mom!
So, this morning I drove down to southern Marin for a dental appointment, and sigh… What I can I say? I feel like I’ve gone to the dentist every other day this summer. Heck, though, I’m thankful for modern dentistry, because I can only think of medieval dentistry being a million times worse.

Belevedere Island is on the right.
I left Novato very early to avoid the weekday traffic, and what’s typically an hour-long drive took only 30 minutes. Surprisingly, traffic wasn’t too bad today, so I ended up with time to spare in my old stomping grounds of Mill Valley. small victories! because we got there so quickly, I took Connor to this place El Hub and I used to go jogging around called Blackie’s Pasture, which is in the beautiful town of Tiburon.


Where are all the cats, Mom?
There are typically people jogging and walking their dogs, and, on sunny days, you can see Sausalito on the right, Belvedere Island on the left and San Francisco across the Bay.

There was a fog bank hanging around today, so we couldn’t really make out SF in the distance, but I could kinda see a little bit of the skyline.

Tide’s out

I’ve always loved the colors here. this time of year, the turf dries and turns a rich golden yellow, and I love the way it looks below the blue sky and the ocean…


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The fog… Oh, the fog!
Connor had a grand old time, of course. She said hi to everyone she saw and tried to chase down seven or eight dogs. At one point, I just gave up counting. Apparently, she thought that we were going to take ALL THE animals home with us. Silly baby.

Hey girl, haaaay!
SF in the distance
It’s trippy taking Connor to places where I used to spend a lot of time because I remember them a certain way in my mind, but now it’s different sharing them with a new tiny person, if that make any sense? I dunno… I probably spend too much time in my head.

A serene place to think
Let’s go make pals with a few dogs!
See the houses on the right? I bet their views are epic!


Anywho, if you’re ever in southern Marin, pop by Blackie’s Pasture for the views and a good walk. It’s free, and there’s a good amount of vehicle parking (just be sure to hide any valuables in your car, because there were some break-ins a few years back).

तपाईंको मैत्री छिमेकी आकर्षण लॉकेट,


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